
Saturday, 10 May 2014

Social media that makes us unsocial

Back to blogging after a very long time. And I tell you what this feels amazing. A place where you can share your thoughts, write about your liking and disliking. I just love it.

For a last few weeks I was a little ill. Illness is such a mess. It feels so bad when you can’t go out, you can’t do whatever you like. It’s like the world is moving ahead and you are tucked in a place.

I always wanted to do something but can’t do because of illness and I get so much distracted because of this. Cause I never want to stop working. The small life we have, I want to make the most of it.


Today I was watching a video that shows me the importance of being social in the real world. And also tells that how social media making us unsocial. I would like all of you to watch this video by Gary Turk.

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